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Kerry Goulder

Kerry Goulder: Sewing Lasting Stories to Share

Published in the January/February 2014 issue of Books Make a Difference magazine.
Above a garage in coastal Maine, there is a magical place where gnomes go backpacking, buoys guide lobstermen, and bear buddies climb into igloos for the night. Each lovingly-crafted three-dimensional fabric character has a story to tell. In her new book, Sewing Tales to Stitch and Love, Kerry Goulder has infused real life stories into unending opportunities for make believe, and hopes to inspire other storytelling crafters to spread this magic throughout the world. [...]
dandelion Mom blogs

Mom Blogs: Writing in the Weeds

Published in the May/June 2013 issue of Books Make a Difference magazine.
Over the last few years, writing women, who happen to be mothers, have turned to blogging for more than space to share diary entries. The inter-connectedness of writing, life, motherhood, and growth means the stories on one blog are invariably tied to the stories of many others. Four mom bloggers talk about what writing their story, and reading other moms’ stories, has meant to them. [...]
David Small and Sarah Stewart

Small & Stewart: Books, Forgiveness Key to Journey

Published in the May 2013 issue of Books Make a Difference magazine.
It is late afternoon on a chilly Tuesday. David Small and Sarah Stewart have gathered in the parlor of their historic home on the river in a small Michigan village. They laugh as they talk about books, life, and what it’s like to be married to an intensely creative person. Their multiple-award-winning creations come from a place that spans broken childhoods and a happy 32-year marriage. Books have mended them and given them each a voice to inspire others. [...]
Military Spouse magazine Deployment Series part 3 by Karen Pavlicin

Deployment Series Part III: Finally, Homecoming

Published in the July/August 2007 issue of Military Spouse magazine.
Anticipating and experiencing the long-awaited reunion. [...]

A magazine writer and editor for much of her career, Karen writes for and publishes Books Make a Difference online magazine.

She is often asked to write features or columns for various other publications and web sites as well. In this section, you’ll find links to samples of her work.