“...an upbeat, positive story...wise, hopeful...with a subtle simplicity sure to touch hearts.”—School Library Journal
"In a voice tinged with sadness, but strong in faith, she gives us a haunting and wistful blend of blues, folk, and Americana."—Tim Hoppey
“An enjoyable adventure of discovery...”—Midwest Book Review
“Karen...sings from her soul with such tenderness, vulnerability, and courage...a beautiful work of spirit and art."—Diane Nettifee
"At the end of the day, she does it all to make a difference, a story at a time."—Woodbury Magazine
"...stunningly beautiful and sensitively written. Very touching and helpful for children to realize they are not alone in their feelings."—Joyce Wood
"Pavlicin is experienced in offering practical solutions to spouses, parents and children as they face their stressed lives during a deployment."—Montana Parent
Service members and their families share the joy and anxiety of homecoming, the adjustments of living together again, and how they coped with anger, depression, PTSD, injuries, grief, and other…